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In general, candidates for Officer & Director positions must be professional members of BNHRC in good standing at the time of nomination or appointment and for the duration of the term of office, as defined in Article VI, Section 2 of the Chapter By-Laws.  

To be successful volunteer leaders, candidates for BNHRC Officer or Director positions should also possess the following qualities:

  • Leadership skills
  • Creativity/innovation
  • Ethical professional behavior
  • Proven ability to motivate, inspire, and empower others
  • Represent the values and views of BNHRC and SHRM
  • Present a professional image
  • Strong communication skills
  • Recognized by peers
  • Ability to work in teams
  • Sound judgment
  • Past history of involvement and high performance
  • Ability to identify and develop future leaders
  • HRCI certified or SHRM certified preferred
  • SHRM member preferred (required for President and President-Elect)
  • Regular attendance at Chapter meetings and Board of Director meetings
  • HR professional experience, and 
  • Company support (financial and time).

See the BNHRC Board of Directors FAQ for additional information about Board member duties and expectations. 

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