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Who should join?  Professional membership in BNHRC is open to any individual who currently works in or has an interest in the human resource profession. 

Why should you join?  At BNHRC, our mission is to connect the local HR community with resources to stay current and compliant, create and maintain equitable workplaces, gain connections, grow professionally and give back. As a professional member, you'll develop a network that will help you in many ways and have access to many member benefits that align with our mission and allow you to:

  • Stay current and compliant - Through our monthly chapter meetings* and member-only resources**, learn about new and emerging HR issues and community initiatives, and stay up-to-date on state and federal employment laws. 
  • Create and maintain equitable workplaces - We provide programming topics, conversations, and resources that will enable you to create a workplace where everyone can thrive. 
  • Gain connections - Meet other local HR professionals and grow your network - we have fun together all year long!***
  • Grow professionally - We give support to obtain or maintain an HR certification through SHRM and HRCI at our chapter meetings and special study groups.  In 2024, we offered over 20 certification hours for both SHRM and HRCI, including our monthly chapter meetings, Annual Law Update, HR Roundtables, and sponsorship of the Central IL HR Conference.  
  • Give backVolunteer your HR skills at community events such as scholarship reading nights or mock interviews, invest in the future of HR by supporting ISU students, and support the work of the SHRM Foundation.

*In order to keep dues low and continue to offer excellent programming, monthly chapter meetings will remain virtual with the exception of the annual employment law update, which will be held in person.  Monthly chapter meetings will include programs that qualify for recertification credits, both HRCI and SHRM.  Guests can attend meetings for a small fee.  We will host quarterly in-person networking events.   

**Member-only resources available on our website include past programming material, a membership directory, SHRM resources, and an online forum allowing you reach out directly to local HR peers with questions or advice. 

***We will offer quarterly opportunities to get together and network in person, in addition to our monthly chapter programming.  Times and dates will vary.

What is the BNHRC connection to SHRM? BNHRC is an individual membership organization. While BNHRC is an affiliated chapter with the world's largest HR professional society, the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), membership in BNHRC is separate and apart from membership in SHRM. In other words, a SHRM membership is not required to be a BNHRC member or vice versa. But, we do encourage membership in both organizations! Learn about the benefits of membership in BNHRC and SHRM.

What are the membership dues? Annual membership with BNHRC is effective for one calendar year January 1 - December 31. Annual membership dues of $175 shall become due and payable on January 1 of the year to which such dues apply. For partial-year membership beginning July 1, dues are prorated by month for the remainder of the year. Any new members shall be afforded full membership rights as of January 1 or the date of application/payment submission, whichever is later.

To apply for or renew an annual membership, please submit a membership application with online payment by following the on-screen prompts during the application process. If you do not have payment ready at time of application, an invoice will be sent to the email address provided. You may return to the website to complete payment online (preferred) or send a check in the mail with a copy of the invoice or indicate the member's name to: 

Bloomington-Normal Human Resource Council
Attn: Memberships
P.O. Box 46
Bloomington, IL 61702

If you have any questions about membership or the online application, please contact us at hello@bnhrc.org

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