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Welcome! Many resources listed here are intended only for BNHRC members.

To engage in the Peer2Peer forum, members must log into the website via the login button on the upper right of the site. 


bnhrc News

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friendly reminders/FAQ

  • Every chapter meeting requires a registration. Members do not need to be logged in to complete a registration. Use the email associated with your membership. 
  • Zoom links for our virtual chapter meetings and roundtables are sent to the email associated with your membership/registration the day before the meeting. This email will be sent from webmaster@bnhrc.org.
  • If you need to cancel your registration, visit your profile or the event registration page to modify your registration details, or contact memberships@bnhrc.org to confirm someone else is attending in your place. 
  • Guests/potential new members can attend their first BNHRC event for FREE! We encourage you to bring a colleague with you to an upcoming event and introduce them to BNHRC. 

Peer2Peer Forum Recent Posts

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jq$(document).ready(function(){ jq$('.WaGadgetForumStateMessageList table.forumMessageTable td.left .boxBodyInfoContainer .inner').each( function() { var textNode = $(this); textNode.html(textNode.html().replace("Deleted user", "Archived member")); }); });